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Laverne Douglas Technologies provides consulting, marketing, initial research and development of the EPCC device, also known as "The Spearcision" and other medical surgical devices. Each medical device developed by Laverne Douglas Technologies, LLC, will fulfill a current need in various medical industries by improving upon existing technology or devices, or by designing a device to serve a need that is clearly defined and acknowledged by medical professionals. Each product will be priced to appeal to a managed-care market that stresses low cost of total treatment parameters. needs.
Laverne Douglas Technolgies was formed in 2004, by Michael Spears, President and head of R&D, as a biomeidcal R&D company providing consulting, marketing, research and development for the Electromagnetic Precision Convergence Cutter (EPCC) device, as well as other next generation surgical devices. It will be a catalyst for innovative new technology that will improve surgery and reduce cost.
William E. Cohn, MD. , J&J Vice President of Medical Devices &
Director ofCenter for Device Innovation
Dr. Cohn's LDTECH "SPEARCISION" Advisor Letter
Laverne Douglas Technologies mission is to provide innovative medical device technology solutions that will address all hospital and healthcare needs. LDTECH is very passionate about instruments and equipment that will help revolutionize medical technology in the 21st century and beyond.
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